Training Classes

Recommended courses for law enforcement:

Our instructors are SMEs that have over 90 years of real-world experience in the areas of public health, radiation control, emergency response, HAZMAT response,
and WMD response. Both instructors have worked with law enforcement in all these settings. Our instructors are Lt. Col. Stan Evans (Ret) and CPT Hamp Stokes (Ret).
Both are former public health officials with military backgrounds in nuclear weapons, WMD science, and CBRN science.

  • WMD Awareness level training

  • Arkansas Multijurisdictional WMD Strategic Plan Overview

  • WMD Vulnerability assessment (identifying building concerns beyond physical security)

  • WMD sample handling, a chain of custody, and transport

  • WMD tabletop designed specifically for first responders, first receivers, law enforcement and commercial clients.

  • Other WMD courses and scenarios can be developed to conform to the needs of the client.